Changes are afoot.
Some of you may have noticed that in our most recent E-Juices like Andreas or Caerulus, we haven’t created a 20ml Shortfill option. Going to explain why here and also let you know about a few other possible changes to come.
So the 20ml Shortfills are designed for 6mg Vapers, basically you have 20ml of over flavoured E-liquid in a 30ml bottle, you add one Nicotine shot and 30ml of 6mg E-juice is yours. The issue is these can work out expensive compared to 50ml Shortfill or 120ml Shortfill. The reason for this is to make the 20ml, we need different bottles and also different sized labels, we needed a alternative that not only made our lives easier but reduced the cost to bring it more inline with what 3mg Vapers would pay.
Let me introduce 40ml Longfill! This isn’t a new idea and has been very popular on continental Europe for quite a while. You have 40ml of over flavoured e-liquid in a 60ml bottle, two nicotine shots will give you 60ml of 6mg e-liquid. Requires the same amount of flavouring as a 50ml Shortfill, uses the same bottles and also the same label size. These 40ml Longfills will be replacing all 20ml Shortfills over the coming months and any new e-liquids will be available as 40ml Longfill.
This method also gives us the option to make 30ml Longfill for 9mg Vapers or even 20ml Longfill for 12mg Vapers. We’ve sent out a couple of customised orders for 30ml Longfills but we would appreciate any feedback on this idea to decide whether to create these or not on a more permanent basis.
Right…. This next part is a little more tricky and still a decision that can fall either way. It seems to me that 50ml Shortfills have been around for many years, it was the go to size, what all the shops stocked, what everyone made and what many vaped. However, times change and what we are noticing is that 120ml Shortfill dominate, our 120ml Shortfills outsell our 50ml Shortfills by quite a big margin and any shops that buy from us only grab 120ml Shortfill.
The decision to be made is do we continue with 50ml Shortfill or confine it to the Vaping History Books? I really don’t know. As before, if anyone has an opinion and wants to share, please get in touch via e-mail (contact@LegioXVape.com) or on any of our social media. We always value any feedback and has influenced more than a few decision over the years.
Those are the potential changes in a nutshell. Apart from this, it’s business as usual. Still prepping for Expo and still playing with Limited Edition E-Liquids.
You may notice a new look to the front page of the website, purely for looks and to help speed the site up a tad, be honest, who bothers reading a wall of text in the main page anyway!?
That’s about it, short and sweet this time around.
Hope to see many of you in October at Vaper Expo!