One Year Anniversary! Kinda…
It’s kind of our one year anniversary! Ok, so I actually completely forgot about it and only realised today so it’s about 2 weeks after but it’s the thought that counts. I bet you are all shocked that Lizzie puts up with me.
So where are we after one year? In a fairly good place I’d say! Since December things really started to pick up pace, Lizzie is hard at work on Socials and I’m just leaping about like an energiser bunny keeping all the balls in the air. Love it, wouldn’t change a thing! I’ve still got that same passion I’ve had from day one, every order is exciting, every piece of feedback is read and re-read, every review is nerve biting. I hope that never changes.
I owe a few honourable mentions to people who have been so helpful and friendly over the past 12 months. Andy at Dovpo (Lizzie still owes you a pizza), Hack400 from PlanetOfTheVapes, NWHornet, actually everyone on PlanetOfTheVapes, great bunch of people. Gaz FlatCapVaper and his brilliant YouTube channel. Stu at Vapesmarter. It’s a very long list and could go on for pages but just know I appreciate everyones help and support over the past year. Thank you.
I mentioned Stu at Vapesmarter Mods above, well Stu is the main reason for one of our biggest things yet. Back in January, Stu contacted me, he had been offered a stand at Vaper Expo, Birmingham in May and wondered if we fancied joining him and having a joint stand? I couldn’t say yes fast enough! I’ve been going to Vaper Expo since 2017 as a visitor but to actually have a stand and exhibit, especially with Stu and some of his gorgeous mods, just had to be done.
So me, a small, little DIY E-Liquid mixer is heading to Vaper Expo 2023! Never saw the coming.
Me and Stu will be at stand H140 in the Ohm Zone of Vaper Expo on Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May. If you are there, come say Hi!
On an E-Liquid note, I’m still always tinkering away with new ideas, Rob at PlanetOfTheVapes has set me a challenge for an authentic Cherry, I’m working on a re-mix of one of my original e-liquids from 2016 and to keep NWHornet happy, working on a full release version of an e-liquid I make especially for him.
That’s about it really, you’re probably fed up with my droning on so I’ll leave it with another huge thank you for everyone’s kindness, support and custom over the past 12 months.
Take care.
Chris & Lizzie.